April 17, 2015

Effects of palm oil

I have been thinking and discussing the effects of palm oil with my husband for months. We noted that palm oil commonly found in contents of food that are readily available in the supermarket. Just to name a few: coffee mix, cereals, bread, baked goods, snacks, toiletries etc. We both read reports about the benefits and adverse effects of palm oil. Since palm oil is commonly found in groceries that we frequently use, it got us concerned how it impacts our health.

WWF reported that larged areas of tropical forests have been cleared for oil palm plantations. This results in destruction of natural habitats and eviction of forest-dwelling indigenous peoples. Other sources cited the call to avoid palm oil is a trade ploy to curb palm oil's competitive and major share in the food industry. Another source quoted that palm oil us useful for preventing vitamin A deficiency, cancer, brain disease, aging and even useful for the treatment of Malaria and Hypertension. The source also noted that, palm oil could possibly interact with medications that slow blood clotting. (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) Or perhaps there are insufficient scientific studies or evidence to proof the detrimental effects or benefits of palm oil.

I'm undecided on this. Perhaps like the old saying goes "Moderation is key".

Sources about palm oil as at 17 April 2015:
WWF - Environmental & social impacts of palm oil production
Sustainable palm oil platform - Environmental and social effects
NCBI - Effects of palm oil on cardiovascular risk
WebMd - Uses, side effects of palm oil
Sciencebasedmedicine.org - The Dr Oz red palm oil (non) miracle


  1. Anonymous10:03 PM

    In Europe, Palm oil is a big no. On some packaging, there is a 'No palm oil' label on them. Friends who visit chinese shops will specifically avoid asian products with palm oil as an ingredient. I have no idea if people really know why it is bad. For health reason? For environment? I noticed all the snacks and sweets I bought from Singapore contain Palm oil.

  2. I am concerned about both health and environmental impact. Since the beginning of this year, I have been actively choosing products without palm oil whenever possible. It takes discipline and conscious effort to do so because palm oil is so commonly used here (probably found in more than 50% of the products in supermarkets). Possibly because its the cheapest form of oil too. Now, we make our own stock, use only butter or olive oil to cook, drink beverages without non-dairy creamer, buy bread without palm oil, etc. I stopped eating many products too. I go to the extend of packing my own lunches everyday this month. There seems to be a general lack of awareness on this matter.
