April 15, 2015

6th month with kitties

April marks the 6th month that we adopted our cats. They are have been an endless bundle of joy. It took us some time to understand their antics and habits. Soon a routine was established around our schedules.

5:00AM Kitties wake us up to demand for food. They usually jump on us till one of us wakes up. Timmy is the one who usually gets up to feed them.

6:30AM We get up to start the day - Set aside more food for the kitties, change their water bowl, clear the kitty litter and prepare for work.

7:15AM On days when we're lucky, we leave by 7:15 AM to avoid the morning traffic. Else we rush out by 7:30 (absolute latest!)

7:45AM Timmy drops me at the train station and we both head to our respective work stations

6:00PM Both of us end work around the same time. Usually we meet outside for dinner before heading home or one of us get ingredients from a supermarket and head home to prepare dinner

7:30PM Kittie's dinner time! They usually demand for cuddles or attention after dinner.

8:30PM Wash up, catch up on readings or housework

10:30PM We're ready for bed and would update each other about the plans for the next day or chat about any other random stuff before falling asleep by 11 or 12.

Having these 2 little ones make me realize how tough it must be for working moms to take care of their kids, sans helper! There are days when I'm exhausted and could only leave the housework or laundry to the weekends or days when I wish to stay out later for a date night but choose not to because of our cats. Kudos to moms who insist on taking care of their children and household by themselves. Although the demands of caring for pets and children are rather different, I believe the level of commitment is similar. Despite steering away from our carefree lifestyles, I wouldn't trade these "inconvenience" for anything. I love my cats.

For more information about adopting cats, you could check out these 2 amazing organizations:

Cat Welfare Society


Gazing out of the window on a rainy day

Caught in action! Kitties jumping on us till we wake up

Ronny chilling out on the dining chair
Truffle with her teddy

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