January 10, 2013

Role Models

Some of us probably grew up with favourite celebrities, bands or role models whom we want to be like... Beatles? Spice Girls? Mother Teresa? Bruce Wayne? Nelson Mandela? Have you ever dressed or acted like your childhood role models? I certainly have! My husband constantly picks up a can of Orangina because he saw footballer, Quah Kim Song drinking it. Even in my twenties, I have role models whom I look up to.

In the last few weeks of December, I received an unexpected note from a teacher who had taught me during my Diploma studies. She was (and still is) my inspiration and role model. My teacher was confident, diligent and poised. She achieved very much in her life - was a high ranking army officer, completed her Masters and is currently pursuing a PhD and single-handly brought up 3 children and sent them all throuh university. She was a single mom. Despite all that, and with God's grace, she went against the odds and live a responsible and inspiring life.

Now that I am married and am taking up more responsibilities in the family, I'm constantly thinking about  how I should live and manage the milestones & challenges in my life. It is also a time that I think about what adulthood really means and how to live life to the fullest. Looking at my teacher, I see the person whom I want to be - a woman who is courageous and strong, one who is not afraid to face up to life's challenges and enjoy the milestones in life. She is my role model.

Do you have a role model too?

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