January 3, 2013

A meaningful Christmas

Chritmas is a time of celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ - a season to give thanks for our messiah. With rampant advertising campaigns, Christmas has become a commercialized season of 'giving' and shopping and feasting. It is easy to take on that mentality when you're surrounded by publications  and advertisments of sales, delectable feasts, etc.

This Christmas is the first one that I spend overseas. For a special cause. T and I decided to volunteer with New Light Foundation based in Baan Nam Kem, Thailand. It was a fruitful experience as we learnt how the organization sustains itself and provide meals and education to the local community.

Day 1 - Took a 2 hours drive from Phuket International Airport to Baan Namkem. Spent the evening learning Christmas carols in Thai 

Day 2 - The team went carolling at a police station, the mayor's office, town council and an electrical shop in the morning. We visited about 100 families to carol at their houses and pray a prayer of blessing with each family.

Town Council

Police Station

Volunteers preparing to carol

Day 3 and Day 4 - Teach English lessons at Takuapa Bang Sai village (predominantly burmese) and prepare for the Christmas carnival

The Burmese children waiting for the lesson to begin

Preparation for Christmas carnival

Tuk-tuk that ferries the children to and fro school and home

Day 5 - Christmas carnival was in full blast! With the help of volunteers, we made hundreds of ballon sculptures and prepared food in the late evening for the villagers. The Christmas message was shared with the adults and children in 2 separate parties :)

All hands were busy sculpting balloons

Balloon Arch made by T

Outdoor Thai-style "Char Kway Teow"

Piles of presents at the entrance

BBQ meat skewers

Christmas concert

Day 6 - We went to catch clams for dinner! It was my first attempt catching my own food! We also visited a small fish farm which helps sustains operations at CDC. We spent the evening at Khao Lak and went back to Baan Namkem to count down to Christmas by the beach.

We caught approximately 10 kg of clams!!!!

A Rapunzel moment
Playing with fireworks for the first time!

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