January 25, 2013

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year will be celebrated in 2 weeks' time by most chinese communities around the world! This will be my first CNY as a married woman. Tradition dictates that married couples bless singles/elderly with red packets filled with money, together with a pair of mandarin oranges. The act supposedly symbolise blessings and abundance for the new year. According to tradition, married woman will have their reunion dinner with their spouse's family. I hope my parents will still enjoy CNY with my extended family members, without my presence. When I was a kid, I enjoyed donning new clothes and spending countless hours playing with my cousins. As an only child, things get pretty bored at home, thus, time spent with my cousins were priceless! I look forward to experience a different CNY this year, and to spend more time getting to know T's extended family members.

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