October 18, 2012

What is your love language?

Last Saturday, T planned a special date for us to visit Singapore National Museum (SNM) to view wedding dress exhibits from Albert Victoria museum. On display were gowns from 1800s and a few celebrity wedding gowns. To our disappointment, it was a pretty small collection and we finished viewing the exhbits within 30 mins. I love visiting museums! To appreciate artefacts/art pieces that are rich in culture and history. On the other hand, T would rather spend his time outdoors or cathing zombie movies. I feel blessed that he went the extra mile to plan the outing and accompany me to visit SNM though he has little interest in museums.

On Sunday, we both spent an afternoon with our own pals. He played soccer with his mates while I found time to catch up with an old friend. It rained throughout the afternoon and he waited for me to finish to give me a lift home. Last night, I casually mentioned that I love triple decker sandwiches and this morning, he woke up much earlier than I usually do (at 6am!) to prepare a triple decker for my breakfast!T's language of love is clearly 'acts of service'. Something which I am not accustomed to...yet. I express my love through words of affirmation.

Author Gary Chapman wrote a series of books about Love Languages. Personally, I can identify with the things which he wrote. Different people express their love and feel loved in different love languages. It is important to know the love language of our loved ones to be able to appreciate them and love them in a manner which they can understand. Perhaps it's time I plan and DO something special just for T.

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