October 29, 2012

Halloween at the museum

My lovely husband surprised me with another museum visit last weekend! He brought me to Asian Civilization Museum (ACM) for the Halloween Fright night. There were a myraid of special activities organized by ACM. There were modern bomoh dances, story telling, face painting, scare trails, etc. Many museum goers were decked in their Halloween costumes for the occasion! Since this was a surprise date, I did not dress up as any special characters for the occasion. We had a great time just watching the kids got scared by various characters such as the werewolf, ghost rider, pontianak, etc.
Ghost Rider

Captain and Spidey


We headed for a walk along coller quay and clarke quay later that evening. Most restaurants and bars were decorated for the occasion with spider webs, fake blood stains, insects, dummy heads, etc. We did not revel with party-goers for the Halloween celebration, but headed home earlier and it was a blissful time spent together. I love Halloween! It also reminded me of the party that I organized for T a couple of years ago at Mike and Elena's place. All guests came dressed as a special character and some of our friends rented costumes for the occasion! I love dress up parties. Hopefully we'll have another one soon.

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