August 12, 2011

Mission Ramly 3

Over the national day weekend, T and I went to Tioman island again! This place has a special significance to the both of us. On Day 1, we boarded a luxurious coach from Galleria DFS. The journey to Tanjong Gemok was very comfortable with the wide leg-room, comfy chairs and adjustable air conditioning. We stayed at Berjaya Tioman. The accommodation is comfy, each in a little wooden house, equipped with comfy beds, washroom, air conditioning and a veranda to rest or dry your clothes. The first afternoon was spent kayaking at the beach front at Berjaya. I was somewhat afraid of capsizing initially. Afterwhich, we went for a dip at the hotel pool before a sumptious dinner of pizza and grilled almond chicken at the poolside cafe.

On the 2nd Day, we woke up early to have breakfast. The spread was delightful, with a good mix of Western and Asian cuisine and WAFFLES :) My fav! We went snokelling till 2pm before we went around the resort premises to take photos in the ethnic Indian costume. I spent 2 hours doing my makeup - it was no easy feat, especially trying to stick on the fake eyelashes! It was an interesting experience taking our own photos and being admired/gawked at by other tourists and resort staff in our bizarre outfits. A group of tourist took a picture of the both of us because they liked the costumes. At sunset, while we were taking photos at the jetty, T surprised me by going on his knees and proposed! I was overjoyed and almost tearful! Perhaps this is often described as the 'happiest moment of a girl's life?' Haha! T picked a curved ring shaped like a gentle wave with a solitaire diamond in the centre. Each time I look at it, it reminds me of the special and private moment that we shared and how our love story began on Tioman island amidst the waves and sunsets. I thank God for bringing us together and for the great weather which He had provided each time we are there. In the evening, we strolled out of the hotel premises to a 'Zee Char' store for dinner. We had black pepper crayfish, stir fried ''colly-flower'', tomyam and crab sauce tofu. It was beautiful watching the fading lights of the day in the horizon, sharing a cosy dinner with my fiance :)

On the 3rd day, I spend the morning swimming and walking along the beach after breakfast. Tim simply stayed in the room to rest and watch TV. We checked out by 11.30 and headed to the jetty for the return ride. This is the 3rd Mission Ramly, we got engaged, but we still haven't had our Ramly burger...

July 28, 2011

Bangkok - Land of Smiles

I went on a 5 days trip to Bangkok with T and his mom over last weekend. It has been close to 10 years since I visited the last time and there were quite afew significant changes to the cityscape and road conditions. Upon arrival at Suvarnabhumi Airport, we were greeted by friendly Thais. Our first meal in Thailand was bought from 7-11. Yes, that's right, a foot long sausage and a pre-packed bun. Since we took a budget flight, meals were not provided on board the flight. Soon after, we took a taxi to our hotel. The driver was visibly amused by our broken Thai and mis-pronunciations of some words. Though there were some language barriers, he was able to share with us some 'must-go' destinations in Bangkok. This was our itinerary in BKK:

Day 1 (thurs)Link
We visit a tailor (Grand Fashion International, Bangkok) which was located beside Siam City hotel. Initially, we were apprehensive about tailoring anything from the shop as I did not have the shop's address nor pictures of clothes which they had tailored previously. However, the exterior of the shop won us over with it's professional set-up and service. The sales person was able to communicate fluently in English and all the tailors were Thais. We had no issues communicating what we wanted and spend quite some time picking the fabrics though the selection was not great. They took several measurements for us before requesting for a 2nd fitting the following day.
Grand Fashion International
Outside Platinum Mall

When the evening sets in, we headed to the wholesale Platinum mall to shop and have dinner.

Day 2 (friday)
Woke up early in the morning to head to Chinatown. We love the cultural influences in Chinatown, Sampeng market! T's mom was very excited walking through the narrow lanes, buying things and speaking languages that are familiar to her. We left in the afternoon after much shopping and headed back to the hotel for a short rest. The late afternoon was spent at the tailor for a 2nd fitting and for T to collect his shirt. We loved the the workmanship so much that T made a 2nd shirt. After the transaction, we headed to MBK for a hearty steamboat dinner and shopping. We bought some bags and souvenirs from Naraya for friends and family. Shopping at Naraya is crazy. Few people leave the shop without any purchases. I must admit, this 5 days are just dedicated for shopping! Shopping is such probably the favourite passtime of an average Singaporean!

 Sampeng Market
Herb & Flower tea
Wholesale bag shop

Day 3 (saturday)
Morning was spent at Chatuchak weekend market. It was my first visit. Maneuvering through the narrow lanes of shops and buying clothes/shoes/crafts/food from friendly shopkeepers was certainly an interesting cultural experience. I concluded that Thais are generally superstituous. It is important for them to be able to close the first deal with their first customer as they believe that it brings good luck for their business. It was an advantage to go in the morning as they were more than willing to sell their things at a good price to 'seal the first deal'. I bought some work clothes and swimwear while T got some bags. His mom didn't like the place very much as she felt that the things were not suitable for her. Lunch was taken at a cosy family cafe which served local Thai fare. I had Phad-Thai which was priced at S$1.20! That, coupled with a nice frizzy coke for the hot weather.

 Hawker fare at Chatuchak
 Optimus Prime at Chatuchak!
My fav paper shop

The evening was relatively exciting for me and T as we headed back to the tailor for the final (3rd fitting) for the dress. I loved it! Some alterations had to be made so they sent it to our hotel at the end of the day. T's 2nd shirt was gorgeous. It was a pretty good deal for him I suppose, at S$50/shirt! In the evening, we head to 7-11 for Magnum and snacks.

Day 4 (sunday)
Sunday morning was spent at MBK and Siam Discovery area as we needed to change more $. We had lunch at the infamous Fuji Japanese restaurant which served delectable Japanese cuisine. We ordered 3 set meals and paid about S$40 in total. We headed to Chinatown in the late afternoon as T's mom wanted to buy more things from Sampeng market. This time, we chanced upon a wet-market street and bought things like dumpling and dried raddish. We managed to find the shops that T's mom wanted to visit again, and tasted some local fare like Wanton mee (from HongKong noodles), coconut pancake (yum!) and local chee-kueh (didn't enjoy this very much) Soon after, we headed back to our hotel where we rested and went to visit Big-C supermarket to shop and for dinner and visited a night market before we retired for the day.

Day 5 (monday)
Being warned by the unpredictable nature of the traffic conditions in Thailand, we left relatively early in the morning after breakfast to the airport. T's mom got to eat her favourite mango glutinous rice again from one of the shops in the airport. T and I just settled for a subway sandwich. We took a 2pm flight back to SG.

My holiday in Bangkok was interesting. Though peppered with frustrating moments at times - when we got lost or get use to each others' antics. I am thankful for this trip and it is also my prayer that God will use this trip to build our relationship. My prayers goes to the nation as well. Duirng the trip, we were bombarded with news about the norweigian killings in Oslo and were sadden by the atrocities of the act.

July 12, 2011

Exceedingly Well

I read a post from Hillsong's update that God is capable of doing exceedingly and remarkably beyond our imagination. God has been telling me that all week. I was reminded of this again when reading Judges 7 about Gideon's triumph over the Midianites by God's power and humour (if I may say). Tim just had the 2nd interview with the company and I feel anxious-excited. I feel like I am one of little faith. I have difficulty believing that things can have a 'fairy-tale' ending. Is my skepticism caused by the pragmatics of our society or is it an innate fear of disappointment? Perhaps it is caused by both. I am fearful should God ask me to walk the invisible bridge like Indiana Jones. I am fearful if God ask me to scale the highest mountain, to walk into the Red sea...
Reflecting about this makes me want to cry in shame at how shallow I can be...At the same time, I marvel at how graceful God has been to me. A little 'mouse'. Will God continue to let me witness His grace and greatness in the years to come? God, I am truly excited about the journey that you had laid before me!

June 22, 2011


T went for an interview today. I was nervous and excited as I awaited his reply on how it went. Turns out that it was good and there is a possibility of a 2nd interview sometime in July. The nature of the job involves frequent travelling and intense knowledge of the specialty engineering. I am thankful that God had brought Tim thus far. I am praying that God will continue to guide T in all his ways.

While surfing, I chanced upon this website which really broke my heart.
"Stories that need to be told"

How can such evil and peril exist with few trying to make a difference in these people's lives? I've been thinking about how I can help them. Hab may be a start of a humanitarian career which I so desire. Not because I want to feel good but because of a conscience that God has given me, to not leave His people living in such conditions!

June 14, 2011

Getting Hitched

Yesterday T and I went to the venue where we would like to hold our wedding banquet. We made reservations and placed deposits. I am excited about planning the wedding with him! Though I never did have a dream wedding, it is amazing how 2 people come together to plan a massive event once in their lifetime! I am thankful for being blessed with the ability and resources to do so. It actually feels strange to think that we are getting hitched! It's a surreal feeling. National Day will never be the same again!
Orchid Country Club, Peach Garden Restaurant

May 5, 2011

Life as a Singaporean

As silly as this may sound, life as a Singaporean may seem boring. A clean- safe environment, a regular job, little concerns, etc. At the announcement of GE, emotions and thoughts that were once suppressed began to unravel. Netizens shared resentment or view about how things are run in the country. It's historical to witness so much upheavel amongst the citizens who were onced regarded as docile and nonchalant. Singaporeans may seem nonchalant at times but I believe we all love our little island nation and are proud to be Singaporeans, despite the incessant complaints...May the best candidates win this Saturday. It's about time that we embrace a new identity and make a difference!

April 26, 2011

The broken world

While the next few weeks or even months may be filled with joyous anticipation of something fun, a holiday or even something simple like the premier of a movie, there's someone out there struggling to make ends meet. Someone who may be exploited by selfish human nature, someone who is oppressed for the gain of's everywhere!

At times, you may witness a feeble old gentlemen clearing the mess we make at food centres, and it makes you ponder if they have their own families, do they have any financial support? Or how they feel about working at the supposed 'retirement' age? Even when you pick up a magazine with pictures of scantily clad women, isn't that a form of exploitation as well?

Are we guilty sometimes of 'exploiting' someone? Are we guilty of devaluing man? Even for a wretched fellow, or just a passing acquaintance, a yelling kid at the playground, a beggar making ends meet...all man are created in the image of God. But do you see the value of man as much as God does? I am guilty of not loving His creation as much as He intended. May the Lord convict me to love my neighbour as myself. Not in a superficial manner but with sincere and genuine hearts. Caring for people like how Christ will tend and love His flock.

March 30, 2011


My 2 weeks of break seem to pass very quickly. Most of my time is occupied by completing assignments and meetings. Next week, I will be starting my tenure! It blows my mind that I have the slightest idea of what to expect. At the same time, T and I will be picking a unit for our future home. I do feel taxed, thinking about our finances for our house, my studies and our wedding. Nevertheless, this is a GREAT milestone in my life! :D With great anticipation for the future, I look forward to how things will unfold in due time!

March 26, 2011

Relaxed Saturday

Began the day with T over breakfast before I headed to Alliance Francaise for lessons. As always, I enjoy time in school but it has been increasingly challenging to pick up the specifics of French. The day was rather hazy, probably because of our neighbouring forest fires. Ironically, we went for a BBQ with T's uni pals in the evening. I enjoyed the small chats over food and drinks. It has been years since I visited East Coast. (around 5 years?) As I sat with the group and chat about life, it seems most Singaporeans strive all their lives for a bachelor's, get stuck with a 9-5 job and life goes on with the usual struggles and reality. Life in a tiny city lacks spark and lustre...but the company that we mix with makes a whole lot of difference. I thank God for all the friends and family members that He placed in my life.

March 22, 2011

My kind of fairytale

Finally! It's my last day in HML. Never had I thought my tenure with them will be so short. Perhaps it's God's timing? I believe the people whom I meet or the things that I learnt here is God's plan for me.

This is a special week. Ser had a sleepover at my place, Tim's family will be here and it's also Timmy's and my anniversary. Although our lifestyle and work is hectic, I am grateful for every little moment that I can spend with him. When I was much younger, I had childish definition of a girl's 'prince charming'. Alas! God knows best...He knows what's best for me - a man who loves me just the way I am, someone whom I can deal with the realities of life with. At the same time, the pessimistic part of my mind ponders about 'God giving and taking away...' I don't know when God will take away some of the things in my life, but I pray He will enable me to always praise Him.

March 21, 2011


Tomorrow will be my last day at HML. I could finally heave a sigh of relief! It's great that I don't feel a sense of attachment, nevertheless, I am just happy to move on and begin a career in the humanitarian field.

The weekend was a great one. As always, I enjoy French lessons very much (At Alliance Francaise). T prepared and treated me to a 6-course Japanese lunch for me which includes chawanmushi, bellied pork, cha soba, etc. :D In the afternoon, we headed to Chong Pang for some durians and I had a small accident on our way back to his place. While carrying the bag of durians, I crashed into the wall with the durians...needless to say, my left knee was covered with poke marks from the thorns...T unsympaththetically said we should document this because he feels more amused than sorry for me. Haha! Some things never change. I will always be clumsy.

This morning, apart from reading updates about Japan, I read about Knut's passing too. Kunt is the polar bear cub that was abandoned by his mother and reared by a keeper. The cause of his death is unknown. Although I enjoy watching the animals in the zoo, I think its best to let them go free in their natural habitat.

February 20, 2011

Waiting room

Today's sermon was from Mark Chapter 8, which talks about the disciples missing the point of Jesus' miraculous feeding of 5000 with just a few loaves of bread. They failed to see that Jesus has the power to provide and create...Have you forgotten that Jesus can provide for you?

I felt that God was speaking to me through the sermon. Everyone goes through a waiting room phase...a time when you wait for your results, you wait for an answer or even for a certain date. T and I are waiting for some things in our lives. Waiting for the results of our application, waiting for his family to visit, waiting for a job that allows us to glorify God. Have I missed the essence of what God is teaching me as He makes me wait for many things in my life? As I ponder about what God is saying, I feel at peace, as He gives me His assurance...I believe God will give me an answer with a confirmation for the very thing that I seek. An answer to a life-changing and covenantal decision. Lord, give me the patience to wait upon You...

January 28, 2011

Crossroads, again

I am writing now for fear of forgetting this. At every juncture of someone's life, he has to make a decision about something. Sometimes the decisions are small, sometimes it carries a life changing consequence. I, am caught in the crossroads once again. I know the next few months will be life-changing and in my cauldron of emotions, frustration is what I experienced most during this period. The lack of control and helplessness is inevitable yet frustrating. Perhaps, when I look back at this post in a few months time, I may laugh at my silliness of doubting God's providence.

At the same time, some things were brought to my attention - the helplessness of the oppressed. I do not know if God will call me to the works of restoration but I will be willingly...though unready and unworthy. The uphill task of restoration is beyond my capacity.

Despite being at the crossroads, I want to thank God for everything He has given me. My bf, my family, my friends, the comfort of having freedom and a home. Surely, since we are blessed richly, we too should bless others because of God's love.