March 26, 2011

Relaxed Saturday

Began the day with T over breakfast before I headed to Alliance Francaise for lessons. As always, I enjoy time in school but it has been increasingly challenging to pick up the specifics of French. The day was rather hazy, probably because of our neighbouring forest fires. Ironically, we went for a BBQ with T's uni pals in the evening. I enjoyed the small chats over food and drinks. It has been years since I visited East Coast. (around 5 years?) As I sat with the group and chat about life, it seems most Singaporeans strive all their lives for a bachelor's, get stuck with a 9-5 job and life goes on with the usual struggles and reality. Life in a tiny city lacks spark and lustre...but the company that we mix with makes a whole lot of difference. I thank God for all the friends and family members that He placed in my life.