March 21, 2011


Tomorrow will be my last day at HML. I could finally heave a sigh of relief! It's great that I don't feel a sense of attachment, nevertheless, I am just happy to move on and begin a career in the humanitarian field.

The weekend was a great one. As always, I enjoy French lessons very much (At Alliance Francaise). T prepared and treated me to a 6-course Japanese lunch for me which includes chawanmushi, bellied pork, cha soba, etc. :D In the afternoon, we headed to Chong Pang for some durians and I had a small accident on our way back to his place. While carrying the bag of durians, I crashed into the wall with the durians...needless to say, my left knee was covered with poke marks from the thorns...T unsympaththetically said we should document this because he feels more amused than sorry for me. Haha! Some things never change. I will always be clumsy.

This morning, apart from reading updates about Japan, I read about Knut's passing too. Kunt is the polar bear cub that was abandoned by his mother and reared by a keeper. The cause of his death is unknown. Although I enjoy watching the animals in the zoo, I think its best to let them go free in their natural habitat.