March 22, 2011

My kind of fairytale

Finally! It's my last day in HML. Never had I thought my tenure with them will be so short. Perhaps it's God's timing? I believe the people whom I meet or the things that I learnt here is God's plan for me.

This is a special week. Ser had a sleepover at my place, Tim's family will be here and it's also Timmy's and my anniversary. Although our lifestyle and work is hectic, I am grateful for every little moment that I can spend with him. When I was much younger, I had childish definition of a girl's 'prince charming'. Alas! God knows best...He knows what's best for me - a man who loves me just the way I am, someone whom I can deal with the realities of life with. At the same time, the pessimistic part of my mind ponders about 'God giving and taking away...' I don't know when God will take away some of the things in my life, but I pray He will enable me to always praise Him.

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