February 18, 2008

Unconditional covenant

Have you ever realised that the covenant that God made with Abraham was unconditional?! God committed Himself to do certain things for Abraham and the nation that would come from Him. Failure or unbelief on Abraham's or Israel's part would not set aside this covenant. This simple truth really hit me because I was reminded of God's faithfulness and unconditional love! Sometimes we doubt God and ask questions like, 'Will You really bring me through this?', 'Can i really trust You without knowing how things will work out, where You are leading me or even why things happened the way they did.' Yet God patiently deals with our stubborness and tenderly reassures us of His love all the time :) God is so amazing! He is the God who created the universe, the God who holds everything in His hands, the God who parts the sea, and He is a God who delights in every detail of our lives!

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