February 16, 2008


Just got back from a trip with my family from Bintan. Had holydays instead of a holiday! :) That place is gorgeous. When I look at the clear blue sea, pristine beaches, towering trees, mighty waves, flocks of birds, uncountable stars, feel the soft white sand beneath my feet, i'm reminded of God's wonder and glory. He is the God who parts the sea, the God who makes mountains tremble, who sets the stars in their place and know them all by name, the God who creates the earth and sustains it, the God who is so wonderful! How awesome is our God! Just like the lyrics from the the song, Magnificent.

"Who compares to You? You who set the stars in their place. You who calm the raging seas that came crashing over me. Who compares to You? You who bring the morning light. The hope of all the earth is rest assure in Your great love."
I spent most of the day lying on a hammock and reading psalms and "The Purpose Driven Life". Felt so overwhelmed that tears kept flowing from my eyes. I was overwhelmed by God's love and by the true meaning of 'the heart of worship'. The heart of worship is surrender. Rick Warren penned this beautifully.
He wrote, " Abraham followed God's leading without knowing where it would take him. Hannah waited for God's perfect timing without knowing when. Mary expected a miracle without knowing how. Joesph trusted God's purpose without knowing why circumstances happened the way they did. Each of these people were fully surrendered to God."
These words remind me that He is with me ALL the time and He knows EXACTLY what I'm going through and He LOVES me so much and all He wants me to do is just to TRUST HIM. There are times when i still grieve, times when i doubt but God has never leave nor forsake me through it all. How great is our God! I pray that He will be my everything, and I'll live to worship HIM all my life!
Psalms 37:5 "Depend on the Lord; trust Him and He will take care of you." (NCV)

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