July 15, 2015

Furkids - Daily routine

My furkids have a pretty standard daily routine. They wake up at 6:30AM with me - Ronny would automatically go to the litter box while Truffle wait outside my bathroom while I wash up. She will meow incessantly till I get out to pet her. After dressing up, I'll pet the furkids (approx. 5 minutes) before rushing out. They spend most of the day sleeping on our bed or at their favorite hideouts. (We came to know this on occasions when we stayed at home) When dusk falls, the furkids will hang out near the main door to anticipate our return. Usually we will be home by 7:00PM if we do not have plans for the evening. Ronny and Truffle at the door to greet us and demand for pets. They have dinner at 7:30PM and spend the rest of the evening playing before retiring to bed by 9:00PM. The cycle continues the next day. There's something comforting about having pets at home. Everyday I look forward to rushing home to spend time with them. I'll automatically forget about the bad day at work or any other stresses. Maybe I've come to embrace my inner "Crazy-Cat-Lady".

Truffle & Ronny cuddling on our bed.

Truffle watching Korean drama while I fold laundry in the guest room.

Grass eating time.

Ronny climbing into my closet.
Ronny dozing off in my closet
Truffle sleeping on my pillow.
Truffle drinking from a fish bowl.

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