January 18, 2018

Molar Mayhem

When baby M started teething for the first time, he was 6 months old, we were on a holiday in France. Being inexperienced then, we could not explain his sudden fussiness, excessive drooling, incessant chewing of toys, rashes around his mouth and relatively soft stools. At the same time, he developed a voracious appetite for solids - mostly pureed foods then. Shortly after, 2 front teeth emerged. Then he had 4 and now 8. 

Start of last week (16 months old), similar symptoms emerged again. I did some research and realized that his first molars might be developing. This time, he craves cold foods (chilled fruits and yoghurt) and has difficulty sleeping through the night. It has been going on for the past 2 weeks. Hopefully the molar mayhem will be over soon and he can begin to enjoy a wider variety of foods! 

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