December 4, 2014

Adoption story

Since a young age, I always wanted to keep a pet. My parents never warmed up to the idea. Eventually, they kept a fish tank with a variety of ornamental fishes (on their own accord). I remember rushing to the front of the tank to feed the fishes after school, but I never did felt any sense of attachment to the fishes. This Aug, after T and I moved in to our own place, we decided to adopt a dog and a cat. (just like Garfield and Odie) Purchasing pets from a pet shop was never an option for us as we always wanted to give rescued animals a forever home.

Like anxious parents, we devoted many evenings preparing the house, making it as pet-friendly as possible and reading about animal care and behavior. We deliberated over which to adopt first, a cat or a dog and spent a few weeks visiting animal shelters. Finally, we adopted a white-black domestic short-fur cat, Ronny. Soon, we discovered that he has a timid personality and would do well with a cat companion rather than a dog. Hence, we took in his best mate from the same shelter - Truffle.
They have settled well in our home and we look forward to share more about them in future posts.

Truffle and Ronny

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet photo of the two cats. Keep writing and looking forward to updates about Ronny and Truffle.
