December 11, 2013

Sakura shrimps

This post chronologs our experience of keeping Sakura shrimps. One evening, my husband returned home sharing enthusiastically about a shrimp tank he saw at a friend's place. After doing some online research, he decided to keep shrimps as well, despite their reputation for being 'challenging' to rear. And they prove to be difficult to keep!

The pH of the water has to be right, the water must not have any hint of chlorine and must be free of sediments, the temperature has to be appropriate, etc. Needless to say, it was difficult to maintain the optimum conditions in the tank! The shrimps died within a week. We were disappointed initially but decided to try again. The 2nd batch of shrimps lasted slightly longer than the first, though not for long. Our shrimping adventure was short-lived. The tank has been empty since, but my mother in law decided that it was a waste of electricity to keep the tank running without any living creature inside. So she returned with a bag of fishes one afternoon, and they have been surving well ever in our tank since then...

Waiting to transfer the shrimps to the tank

Transferring the shrimps to the tank

Little shrimps exploring the tank

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