April 19, 2013


I've been married for slightly more than 8 months now. Prior to my marriage, I was afraid of the relationship with my future mother-in-law (MIL) because my mom had a tumultuous relationship with her MIL. I grew up watching the tension between them both and it made me think that it is almost impossible to get along with a MIL. It didn't help that some friends and relatives shared their bad experience with their MIL and how badly it affected their relationship with their spouses. It bothered me so much that I felt miserable just thinking about it.

However, in these 8 months spent with my husband's family, I learnt that my MIL is a wonderful woman who always put her family first. She would take care of my needs and ensure that everyone in the family gets well taken care. In Lilo and Stitch, I learnt that Ohana means family, but I think my MIL taught me the real meaning of what a family is. Today, she will catch a flight to France to spend a couple of months with my nephews and their family. I think I'll miss her very much.

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