January 18, 2018

Dirty Laundry

Baby M is adjusting well in Infant Care. While he still cries (this is the 2nd month) when we drop him off in the morning, he barely does when we pick him up in the evenings at 6pm. He has settled into a routine and enjoys time with his teachers and friends. When we mention their names, he babbles and smiles. Though we do not understand, his body language & facial cues indicate happiness. 

At the beginning, I was at a loss with the free time in hand. However, the 'free time' was quickly replaced with added writing commitments and laundry! A seemingly endless pile. Baby M requires 4 sets of clothing in school daily. Tim does not want him to wear rompers in school, hence, that translates to 8 pieces of clothing, plus 4 bibs, 3 face towels, a bath towel and a mattress cover, everyday. The stages of parenthood is probably shown in the amount of dirty laundry we have. 

Photography is not allowed, but for sentimental reasons, I snapped a quick picture for remembrance sake. 

Molar Mayhem

When baby M started teething for the first time, he was 6 months old, we were on a holiday in France. Being inexperienced then, we could not explain his sudden fussiness, excessive drooling, incessant chewing of toys, rashes around his mouth and relatively soft stools. At the same time, he developed a voracious appetite for solids - mostly pureed foods then. Shortly after, 2 front teeth emerged. Then he had 4 and now 8. 

Start of last week (16 months old), similar symptoms emerged again. I did some research and realized that his first molars might be developing. This time, he craves cold foods (chilled fruits and yoghurt) and has difficulty sleeping through the night. It has been going on for the past 2 weeks. Hopefully the molar mayhem will be over soon and he can begin to enjoy a wider variety of foods! 

November 30, 2017

Baby M Goes To School!

As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was swarmed by work and managing a toddler at home the past 6 months! Working from home with a toddler isn't as easy as I thought it to be. Though my little one's daily schedule is pretty consistent, there are days he take shorter naps, errands came up, writing deadlines had to be met or chores at home beckons. There was absolutely zero to little me free time. Plus, I had to be extra disciplined to avoid procrastinating.

At 11 months 
Reading at 12 months

We had planned to send Baby M to school when he is 18 months old. When he hit his 1 year old milestone, we tried to secure a placement for him in one the schools nearby. To our dismay, there was no vacancy in the 10 schools we wrote to! Talk about Singapore's childcare crunch! Finally, we explored other neighborhoods and found a school near Tim's workplace. The centre opens 7am - 7pm. We can send baby M to school anytime between those hours. According to the school 's protocols, we have the option of accompanying him during the first 3 days of school and the principal suggests starting on a half day schedule first. Thereafter, the duration could be adjusted accordingly. And he is starting school tomorrow - 1 Dec 2017! 

It is a big milestone for him and for me. An occupational change, to be precise. I'm anxious and excited for my baby. He is growing up so fast. While I enjoy time with him as a SAHM, he is a very sociable baby. Both Tim and I felt that a school environment will be  more stimulating and nurturing for him at this stage of his life. Prayerfully, he will settle in comfortably. 

Milestones In Summary
3 months - Sleeps through the night
6 months - Started solids 
8 months - Crawling
12 months - Cruising + first words (Mama!)
13 months - First steps
14 months - Walking and squatting to pick up objects
15 months - Starts school!

June 8, 2017

Working From Home

In Feb 2017, I ended my career in Eldercare and became a full time stay-at-home-mom (SAHM). I took some time to adjust to the changes and to manage my expectations. It was certainly one of the hardest transition I ever faced. While doing so, I constantly thought about returning to work, yet feeling guilty that I felt this way. The pressure that a SAHM faces is complex, the work immensely demanding, challenging and often unappreciated. There were good and bad days. Some days I felt as though I was on the losing end of the battle. Some days I love the simple joys of being with my child. 

Just a couple of months back, an unusual work opportunity came along. It was God-sent! I am now a freelance writer for a magazine! The work involves writing about family friendly activities and places in Singapore. The job scope is perfect for me at this phase of my life. Working from home gave me the balance that I craved - caring for my child while enjoying paid employment at the same time. I'm grateful for this opportunity. It is more than I could ask for. With this arrangement, I get to spend time with my little boy, witness his growing milestones and earn my keep! 

These are some places we visited together since I took up this role. 

Sandy Dandy @ Forum

Sandy Dandy @ Forum
Jim Thompson

Open Farm Community

Tree Lizard


January 18, 2017

My mom's 60th birthday

In Dec 2016, my mother celebrated her 60th birthday. Instead of going out for a meal, she opted to stay home to cook for the family and spend time with her grandson. She cooked my favorite dishes - stir-fried broccoli, stewed turnip and baked cod fish. My mother is not someone who expresses her love with words, but it certainly shows through her actions. 

My family had humble beginnings. Growing up, I often witness the struggles my parents faced, to put food on the table. Lavish gifts were completely out of the question. We rarely celebrated each other's birthdays. I knew I wanted to give her something precious when the occasion calls for it. Her 60th birthday was the perfect time. I'm thankful that I could celebrate this special day with her. She said the best present she received was becoming a grandmother to Baby M. God is good. 

The meal prepared by my mother

The gift - A diamond cross necklace

December 5, 2016

Taking the plunge as a SAHM

My little one is 3 months old now! I experience great joy witnessing his growth and cheering silently in my heart at his little milestones every other week.

It also marks my 3rd month as a stay at home mom (SAHM). The idea of being a SAHM was rather daunting initially...and still is actually. I grew up as a latch-key kid and did not consider the prospects of being a SAHM until after my child was born. My insecurities as a SAHM doesn't ease with frequent questions from friends and colleagues on whether I'll shorten the period of leave to return to work. Pragmatically, I fully understand the constraints and choices that many women in our society make to return to the workforce.

Like many others, we initially planned to engage a part time babysitter to care for baby M when I resume work. Due to unforseen circumstances, the nanny we appointed  backout at the last minute. Enlisting the help of our parents/in laws on a full-time basis was not an option we want to consider, neither was infant-care a suitable option due to the exorbitant prices. In the end, Tim and I decided that I will stay home with baby M for awhile, until he is ready to attend child care at a later age. Making this decision is difficult. I struggle with it every other day, but as we take this step as a family, I hope and pray that we will adjust to the changing priorities.

3 month old Baby M with mohawkish hairstyle

September 28, 2016

New addition to the family

After 36 weeks, the wait is finally over. Borned on Sunday, 4 Sept, at Mt Alvernia hospital, baby M became a new addition to my family. (That very day coincided with Mother teresa's canonization!) He weighed 3.4kg and was 53cm. I underwent a c-section for his birth. As baby M was slightly premature, and had jaundice, he had to remain in the hospital afew days more after I discharged.

Today is his edd. Though he arrived early, he is a doing fine and will be a month old next week. We've gradually settled into a routine and I couldn't be happier with this bundle of joy.

August 18, 2016

Third Trimester

This is my 34th week of pregnancy. The baby is supposedly due end September. However, due to several factors, the doctor had cautioned us about pre-term labour.

After the doctor's appointment last night, he ordered 8 days of hospitalization leave and bed rest. He specifically instructed, "No stressful or strenous activities." I reluctantly decided to adhere to the doctor's advise. It is difficult for me to adopt a laissez-faire lifestyle. (Commonly known as "lepak" in local terms) I even thought of coming up with a schedule on what to do for the next 8 days! Tim thinks I should just enjoy the down time leisurely.

Maybe this is the perfect time for me to catch up on reading and prepare myself for baby M's arrival. I can't wait to meet the little guy.