June 2, 2014

Our New Home! (edited)

Before getting married, T and I applied for a Build-To-Order (BTO) flat through Singapore's Housing-Development-Board (HDB). The duration of the application and completion of an apartment is approximately 3-4 years. (our application was made in Jan 2011) We opted for a 90 square meters apartment with 3 bedrooms.

On 10 June, we finalized our loans, made payments for the fire and house insurance, opened a utilities account and paid some bills, we became proud owners of a new apartment!

These are pictures of our apartment. We love the emerald view from all the windows, however, it will be a challenge to decorate this miniscule apartment and ensure that it meets our immense need for storage space.

Living room


Laundry room

View from living room

Living room

Corridor leading to bedrooms

Bedroom 1

Common toilet

Bedroom 2

Master bedroom toilet


Master bedroom

View from master bedroom