May 13, 2013

Serenity Spanish Bar

My company's board chairman decided to give us a treat a Serenity Spanish Bar. The ambience was great though the food was somewhat pricey. We ordered some tapas -  sauté mushrooms, asparagus wrapped with bacon, and foie gras beef. For mains, we had two Cochinillo Asado - the signature roasted suckling pig. The cochinilli asado was cut with a plate. It is a tradition that originates from the region of Castilla Leon. The plate used for the cutting will be smashed to symbolise good luck.

sauté mushrooms

asparagus bacon

foie gras beef

cochinillo asado

squid ink paella

Just some fun facts, tapas are not starters. They are small plates of food served with accompanying drinks. Spaniards love to visit tapas bars, socialize and bar hop before they settle into a choiced restaurant for the evening. I enjoy the experience of munching on small portions of tapas before having the mains. Food brings people together and it is excellent way to engage friends or acquaintances in conversation.