June 22, 2011


T went for an interview today. I was nervous and excited as I awaited his reply on how it went. Turns out that it was good and there is a possibility of a 2nd interview sometime in July. The nature of the job involves frequent travelling and intense knowledge of the specialty engineering. I am thankful that God had brought Tim thus far. I am praying that God will continue to guide T in all his ways.

While surfing, I chanced upon this website which really broke my heart.
"Stories that need to be told"

How can such evil and peril exist with few trying to make a difference in these people's lives? I've been thinking about how I can help them. Hab may be a start of a humanitarian career which I so desire. Not because I want to feel good but because of a conscience that God has given me, to not leave His people living in such conditions!

June 14, 2011

Getting Hitched

Yesterday T and I went to the venue where we would like to hold our wedding banquet. We made reservations and placed deposits. I am excited about planning the wedding with him! Though I never did have a dream wedding, it is amazing how 2 people come together to plan a massive event once in their lifetime! I am thankful for being blessed with the ability and resources to do so. It actually feels strange to think that we are getting hitched! It's a surreal feeling. National Day will never be the same again!
Orchid Country Club, Peach Garden Restaurant