February 20, 2011

Waiting room

Today's sermon was from Mark Chapter 8, which talks about the disciples missing the point of Jesus' miraculous feeding of 5000 with just a few loaves of bread. They failed to see that Jesus has the power to provide and create...Have you forgotten that Jesus can provide for you?

I felt that God was speaking to me through the sermon. Everyone goes through a waiting room phase...a time when you wait for your results, you wait for an answer or even for a certain date. T and I are waiting for some things in our lives. Waiting for the results of our application, waiting for his family to visit, waiting for a job that allows us to glorify God. Have I missed the essence of what God is teaching me as He makes me wait for many things in my life? As I ponder about what God is saying, I feel at peace, as He gives me His assurance...I believe God will give me an answer with a confirmation for the very thing that I seek. An answer to a life-changing and covenantal decision. Lord, give me the patience to wait upon You...